LiveSpeech public speaking coaching for children is heavy on practice.
They will learn how to articulate ideas, speak coherently and practice presenting on camera for a smarter delivery. Your child will also learn to speak 'off the cuff' (impromptu) and respond to questions when speaking in public.
Suitable for your child's confidence and personal development; also towards a class presentation or a school team preparing for a quiz, debate, tournament etc.
Organise ideas and form arguments into a coherent structure for debate.
Practice using presentation tools or props for a visually enriched delivery.
Confidence in self-introduction and expressing personal thoughts on a given subject.
Speak in a steady and measured voice; control stuttering, close “air gaps”, and enunciate clearly.
Visible signals of confidence. Cut off superfluous habits and mannerisms common in children.
Experiential learning — your children will get ample time in actual practice, with each child carried along.
Train at Home. (For schools, group training can be set up on your facility.)
3 weeks physically at 3 sessions per week. (Plus 4 weeks follow-up: 1 hour virtually, once weekly.)
Children 8-12 years
Teenagers 13-16 years
₦ 350,000 — per child
₦ 400,000 — per teenager